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bones: anatomy, meaning and metaphor

A somatic understanding of the nature of bone through close reading, movement, and journaling

Deepening your somatic understanding of the nature of bone and your skeleton means not only finding the anatomy in your own body, but also discovering the mind, the feelings, and the stories that your bones have to share.

Through selected extracts from BODY STORIES by Andrea Olsen, I'll guide you through the factual information that will help you appreciate your bones and all that they do for you. And, I'll share recorded practices, journaling prompts, poetry and image inspiration to help you bring the bones alive to you in your own way.

There will be 15 SESSIONS to work through from 8 April to 15 July.

Each week all the resources will arrive in your in-box and be stored in a dedicated Google Classroom space. You can work at this weekly pace or find your own rhythm as any recorded practices are available for you until the end of the year.

You'll also have an invitation to join a private Facebook Group to connect with me and other participants for extra support, sharing ideas, and asking questions.

I like to think of the project like a close reading of a favourite novel or poem only this time it is a close reading of a body system: your beautiful bones.

*****PLEASE use the coupon code BONES at the check-out before 29 March 2024 to enjoy £75 off the full price. ******

I'm really looking forward to you joining me.


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For the latest course dates, click through to book.

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